No matter what you read online the proof is in the results. Here are some before and after images of some clients.
Healthy Woman #1
It’s me! This is a before and after of my own. Having always been a foodie I learned about the Primal Pattern Diet and began eating accordingly. And the results? It changed my life. Yes, I was meticulous about weighing and measuring. Yes the photos are real. Yes I was flexing in all 3 images. And yes it really was just 2 weeks. Please note however that under the fat that melted away with the diet change were muscles from my training. The same “ab definition” will not be visible unless there are developed muscles from strength training.
Healthy Man #1
One of my clients who has made a true transformation in just 6 weeks! He has put in work at our sessions and also attended kick boxing classes a couple of times a week. During training sessions when told about alternative progressions for moves he would always ask if the alternative was easier and if the answer was “yes” then he would tell me that he “doesn’t want easy.” He has changed his diet and committed his time and effort into his goal and it is paying off. I am so proud of him!