More Than Movement Training Community

More Than Movement Training Community

More Than Movement (MTM) goes beyond fitness.

We believe that true health is achieved with a holistic approach to wellness that is created through a balance of fitness of the mind, body and the soul. 

Yet despite the research advancements of today, we couldn’t find this balance readily available in a way that felt authentic and affordable. 

So I created what I felt was needed.

Here’s more about what MTM is and how it works. More Than Movement:

  • Is a holistic program that balances the mind body and soul for an inclusive wellness approach
  • Provides you with a weekly mental focus (mind)
  • Gives you a comprehensive functional movement plan (body)
  • Offers weekly Mantras (spirit)
  • We also include playlist that we have curated and timed based on the workout for the day
  • MTM is virtual! We look forward to hosting in-person experiences in the future.
  • Class is on your watch. So there aren’t any class times to miss or schedules to keep up with.
  • Movements are scalable. Because our need for movement varies by degree and intensity, not by the type of movements that we all preform in our daily lives, and therefore need to practice and strengthen. 
  • Memberships are month to month
  • Approximately 150 memberships are available at a time. This limited number is based off of Dunbar’s number, which suggests that 150 is the cognitive number of people that one can stable social relationships (relationships in which an individual knows the other people and how those people relate to one another). This is to support a strong community with the intention of every member feeling seen, heard and valued.

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